The Future of IoT and Automation

IoT is a fast-growing industry that shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. So what does the future hold for IoT?

Currently, there are around 11.6 billion things connected to the internet (Symanovich). That number is set to nearly double by 2025 to 21 billion devices. That’s nearly 3 devices for every person on the planet. Those 11.6 billion devices generate 5 quintillion bytes of data every day (Symanovich). That’s 5,000,000,000,000,000,000 pieces of data EVERY DAY. 

IoT will greatly improve with AI, 5g networks, and big data. IoT and AI together form AIoT, which seamlessly communicates data over networks and utilizes said data better and faster than ever before (Ghosh). While still in its infancy, AIoT products are more common than you think. Smart watches, virtual reality goggles, and smart thermostats are the most popular AIoT devices on the market right now. 

Some future plans for AIoT are smart cities and smart industries. Smart cities would have energygrids, streetlights, and public transportation all controlled by AIoT, making the city more energy-efficient and safer. Smart industries run by autonomous manufacturing robots, automated supply chain management, and predictive maintenance sensors can optimize production and can prevent errors and workplace accidents (Ghosh). Some of these devices are in their early development and others have yet to be created but they have the power to vastly improve our way of life. 

The future of IoT looks bright with new technological advancements happening every day. What other technologies do you think will shape the coming years?




Ghosh, Iman. “Aiot: When Artificial Intelligence Meets the Internet of Things.” Visual Capitalist, 12 Aug. 2020, 

Symanovich, Steve. “The Future of IOT: 10 Predictions about the Internet of Things.” Norton, 28 Aug. 2019,