Energybox kicks off the first conference in Orlando

ORLANDO—February 13-14, 2018CampusConnex, Energybox showed its latest technology for student housing businesses.


Energybox showcased the energy monitoring and operational monitoring solutions to help schools and student housing companies lower their energy costs and reduce potential risks. We were also displaying our energy monitoring sensors which are among the most advance in the market.


Energybox’s solutions enable student housing companies to detect energy consumption pattern and operational inefficiency using cutting-edge technology. As a result, the companies can act upon the energy data and reduce their cost. 


CampusConnex: The NAA Student Housing Conference & Exposition in Chicago brings together more than 800 industry professions all looking to take their student housing business to the next level. The event feature keynote speakers, breakout sessions, industry panels and over 100 exhibitors making it a must-attend event for all student housing professionals.